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The Importance Of Praying With Others

One effective ministry that we have in this Kingdom is praying with others. We have brothers and sisters in the Lord who are also running this Christian race in order to get the prize. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed all of us. He is the first born and we all have been redeemed as joint heirs with Christ. Therefore, whoever calls upon the name of the Lord from a pure heart is our Christian brother or sister. 

The Importance Of Praying With Others

Praying as an individual has many benefits. But one other aspect that has not been given much attention is praying with others. There is a lot of benefits when Believers in Jesus Christ come together in unity of faith to pray concerning a particular thing or in order to build up each other.

Matthew 18:19-20 (KJV)
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

From the above scripture, we see clearly the beauty of praying with a fellow Believer or other Christians. 

  • There is power in a prayer of agreement. Praying with someone automatically brings God into your midst. 
  • Everyone has different levels of grace at work in their lives. When you pray with others, it is a combination of graces, and the end of the day, everyone in that circle is edified, and yokes are broken with ease. 
  • There is hardly anything you pray over in agreement with someone else that God doesn't fulfil. God is glad whenever He sees His children coming together to prayerfully establish His will on the earth.
  • Praying with others is a combination of Anointing which acts as a catalyst to our testimonies. It is impossible for God to ignore the gathering of His Children in His name. 
  • Praying with others shows your seriousness and desperation to get an answer from God. The disciples of Christ understood and harnessed this mystery. That is why after the ascension of Jesus Christ, they mostly came together in unity of faith as a body to pray, and we saw tangible results that they derived from this act—evident in Acts of the Apostles. 

When Jesus told the disciples to wait for the promise of the Father, we saw how they fellowshipped together in the upper room, having faith and waiting patiently for the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8,13-44). If the disciples had disobeyed that instruction, that might have been the end of them. 

When Peter was arrested also, we saw how the disciples gathered together to pray with faith for his release and as a result, Peter was miraculously released (Acts 12:15-17). It happened so quickly and divinely that they doubted it due to how swiftly their prayer was answered. That Shows the importance of praying with others.

James 5:16 (NIV)
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

The effect of praying with others cannot be overemphasised. It brings joy to God's heart when a child of God stands in the gap for a fellow Believer. 

In most cases when we pray with others, we also end up praying for them. Besides, we are supposed to watch over our brothers and sisters in Christ in the place of prayer. One way we can be our brother's keeper is by praying for them

When God answers your prayer over the person you prayed for, He also turns your own life around. We see this evident in the life of Job when he prayed for his friends (Job 42:10). 

Praying for others is a proof of our Love for God and humanity, and we know that love conquers all.

Why We Should Pray With Others

To be more specific, here are some more reasons why we should pray with others. 

1. To Experience God's Presence

Experiencing God's presence is one of the things that happen when Believers gather together in one accord to pray. The Lord has promised us in His Word, that His presence is sure when His Children gather to pray in His name (Matthew 18:19-20). 

The gathering of the children of God attracts the presence of God. God loves to fellowship and be intimate with us. That is why whenever people gather in His name, He comes in to meet with them, commune with them, fulfil their desires and grant their requests.

2. It Strengthens The Faith Of Believers

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (AMP)
Two are better than one, because they have a good [more satisfying] reward for their labor; For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie down together, then they have warmth; but how can one be warm alone? And though a man might prevail against him who is alone, two will withstand him. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.

The scripture above shows us another reason why we should pray with others. Believers don't have the same level of faith. When believers pray together, their levels of faith experience a boost. Those with no faith begin to have faith. Those with little faith also advance to a higher level of faith. 

Spiritual growth and maturity is attained when Believers gather together to pray and fellowship with each other. In several of such occasions, Believers are baptised with the spirit of faith. Whatever seems impossible for a Believer becomes possible when others join their faith in prayer

3. It Unites Us As Christians

Praying with others helps the bond between Believers to become stronger. When we are united on the place of prayer, the spirit of love flows among us and helps us to stay together as one. We come to the unity of faith as we fellowship with other Christians. 

4. To Meet The Individual Needs Of People

Praying together with others grants speedy answers to the personal needs of others. Because the presence of God is available when people gather to pray, the spirit of God meets with each one and grants them their individual requests. 

Burdens are lifted, yokes are broken, needs are met, oppression is destroyed, dimensions are activated whilst praying with other Christians. 

Final Thoughts On Praying With Others

As you can see, praying with others isn't something to be underrated. The benefits are very evident and undeniable. Let's make it a constant practice to pray with others as much as we pray on your own.

Let us fellowship with God and with our fellow brethren, till we all mature in the faith and are strengthened as a family. That way, we'll be able to live the kind of life that God had in mind for us.

Also, stand in the gap for fellow Believers. Pray for others. That way, you are fulfilling the law of Christ which is love. 

Remain blessed.