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Prayer Against Eating In The Dream

Eating in the dream is one of the most deadly forms of spiritual attacks from the kingdom of darkness. It can be said that, the purpose of the enemy feeding anyone spiritual poison in their dreams is to make them spiritually vulnerable to more deadly forms of spiritual attacks. Today, we bring you prayer against eating in the dream.

If you often see yourself eating in the dream, understand that the enemy is bent on destroying you—both spiritually and physically. 

There is nothing good about eating in the dream. Although certain people do their best to joke about such dreams, understand that everyone who continually eats in their dreams is under some sort of spiritual bondage. That is why we must pray against eating in dreams, instead of joking over them. 

Prayer Against Eating In The Dream

The holy Scriptures makes us understand that the enemy came to steal, to kill and destroy (John 10:10). These are his three-pronged assignment against humanity, and he works tirelessly to fulfil them through various ways. But our Lord Jesus Christ told us in Luke 10:19 that He has given us authority and power to trample over the works of the enemy and nothing will dare hurt us. 

Luke 10:19 KJV
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

We must always be ready to put to use what God has given us against the works of darkness. One way we can do that is through prayer

Are you constantly seeing yourself eating in dreams? Don't just wake up and go about your day whenever you see such dreams. Start praying against them and pray till you gain your total victory against eating in dreams. 

According to scriptures, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself manifested for the purpose of destroying the works of the enemy (1 John 3:8).

1 John 3:8 KJV
He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

If the Son of God manifested to destroy the works of darkness and He lives in us, then we are more than conquerors! God's will for us isn't to watch us get oppressed by the devil. By right, we should be the ones oppressing the kingdom of darkness. 

Prayer is a powerful offensive spiritual warfare weapon which Heaven has laid at our disposal. With it, we can clamp down and thwart all works of the enemy against our lives. Amen! 

Join us in prayer against eating in dreams below. 

Prayer Against Eating In The Dream

If you always find yourself eating in your dreams, then these prayers are for you. Go ahead and pray them until you gain your complete victory over eating in dreams.

  1. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I come against every form of dream manipulation meant to feed me spiritual poison. I command it to be destroyed, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
  2. I receive power to reject food in my dreams in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!
  3. I come against every demonic dream caterer assigned against me. I frustrate your assignment against my life, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!
  4. Powers of darkness risen against me to bring me down spiritually, be destroyed by the power of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
  5. Mighty Angels of God, locate and arrest every evil spirit assigned to feed me in my dreams, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
  6. Whatever the enemy plans to achieve against me through dream poisoning, be frustrated now, in the Name of Jesus Christ! 
  7. Everything belonging to me, tied down through dream food, I command you to be released now, in the Name of Jesus Christ! 
  8. Fire of God, locate and destroy every agent of darkness bent on destroying me in the Name of Jesus Christ!
  9. Persistent demonic dreams of eating in the dream, I command you to come to a halt in my life, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
  10. I declare that no weapon of darkness fashioned against me shall prosper. Every further attempts of the enemy to ruin my life through dream poisoning, shall prove abortive, in the Name of Jesus Christ! 

If you eventually woke up out of eating in a dream, place your right hand on your tummy and pray this way:

  1. Fire of God, consume everything the enemy must had fed me in my dream, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
  2. Every spiritual poison in my life is destroyed now, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!
  3. I frustrate every purpose that the enemy planned to achieve by feeding me spiritual poison, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!
  4. By the power of God, I destroy the effects of whatever the enemy deposited in me in my dream, in the Name of Jesus Christ! 
  5. Every bondage of darkness holding me in captivity through dream food, shatter now, in the Name of Jesus Christ! 
  6. Powers of darkness bent on destroying me by feeding me spiritual poison, be destroyed in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!

Final Words On Prayer Against Eating In Dreams

I advise that you continually pray against eating in dreams until you lay hold of your complete victory. I'm trusting the Lord to pass through this prayer against eating in the dream to bring about your total deliverance. 

Beloved, if you pray these prayers with faith, rest assured you will definitely see the expected results. If you are interested in reading the full meaning of eating in dreams, you can read it here:

God bless you.