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Prayer For Peace Of Mind

It is no news that in this world where we are sojourners, there are a lot of things that are out to get us anxious and nervous. Jesus understood this, that's why he admonished us in John 16:33, to bask in His victory over the world. 
John 16:33 (KJV)
These things I have spoken Unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good Cheer, I have overcome the world.

The Lord told us to be glad because He has overcame the world and all its tribulations.

Prayer For Peace Of Mind

He also promised to comfort us in John 14:6, when He said that He will comfort us through the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit. 

John 14:16 (KJV)
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.

One of the primary assignments of the Holy Spirit is to comfort us. His coming gives us an assurance of safety and gives us peace in the face of tribulations. So, after giving your life to Christ, you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and begin to enjoy His comfort.

Prayer For Peace Of Mind

  • Father, according to Your promise in Ps 29:11, let me enjoy peace in all areas of my life.
  • Father, give me the wisdom I need to do the things that will make me enjoy peace.
  • Oh Prince of Peace, come and reign in my life now and forever.
  • Lord Jesus, let me begin to walk in the reality of my peace that You paid for on the Cross. 
  • Father, let me enjoy your peace in my family, business and every area of my life. 
  • Every force from hell assigned to give me unrest, I come against such powers right now! 
  • I decree, peace be still! Over every raging storm in my life. 
  • By the blood of Jesus, I destroy the hand of the enemy in my life that is making me unsettled.
  • I Shall continue to enjoy the Covering of peace all the days of my life.
  • Father, help me trust in Your promises to me so I can live a peaceful and restful life. 
  • Everything sent by the enemy to make me anxious, I come against you right now in Jesus' Name! 

Prayer For Comfort

  1. Lord, every pain I'm feeling in any area of my life, I ask that You ease it for me.
  2. Holy Spirit, I need You to comfort me at this trying moment of my life. 
  3. Lord, You said You will comfort them that mourn in Zion. Lord, let me enjoy that promise of Yours.
  4. Holy Spirit, every hurt in my heart, replace it with your Love in Jesus Name.
  5. Lord, every thing that is causing anxiety in my heart, let it be settled right now in Jesus Name.
  6. Father, I ask for peace over my troubled heart in Jesus Name. 
  7. Lord, the grace to thank You in every situation I find myself, give unto me in Jesus Name.
  8. Sweet Holy Spirit, may I never stop enjoying your comfort in the name of Jesus.
  9. Holy Spirit, help me not to ever grieve You so I can enjoy constant intimacy with You. 
  10. I receive a fresh baptism of Joy night now! Amen! 

Short Prayer For Peace Of Mind

Dear God, I thank you because I realise that peace is my birthright in You. I therefore decree your peace, reign in my life, my family and everything I do. The grace to do your will so I Can enjoy peace, I receive it right now in Jesus Name. 

Psalms For Peace Of Mind

Here are 10 psalms that can help you find peace of mind:

  1. Psalm 55 - This psalm is a prayer for deliverance from enemies and anxiety. It reminds us that God hears our prayers and will protect us from those who would harm us.
  2. Psalm 121 - This psalm is a prayer for God's protection and guidance. It reminds us that God watches over us day and night, and that we can trust him to keep us safe.
  3. Psalm 139 - This psalm is a meditation on God's omnipresence and omniscience. It reminds us that God knows everything about us, and that we are never alone.
  4. Psalm 62 - This psalm is a meditation on God's presence and peace. It reminds us that God is always with us, and that we can find peace in his presence.
  5. Psalm 91 - This psalm is a powerful declaration of God's protection. It reminds us that God will protect us from all harm, if we put our trust in him.
  6. Psalm 103 - This psalm is a song of praise to God for his love and mercy. It reminds us that God is good and compassionate, and that he forgives our sins.
  7. Psalm 116 - This psalm is a song of thanksgiving for God's deliverance. It reminds us that God is faithful to his promises, and that he will never abandon us. 
  8. Psalm 23 - This psalm is a beautiful and well-known psalm about God as a shepherd who provides for his people. It is a reminder that we can trust God to take care of us and lead us through the challenges of life.
  9. Psalm 34 - This psalm is a song of praise to God for his deliverance from fear and anxiety. It reminds us that God is our refuge and strength, and that we can find peace in him.
  10. Psalm 46 - This psalm is a declaration of God's power and sovereignty. It reminds us that God is in control, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. 

Final Thoughts On Prayers For Peace Of Mind 

Beloved, I'll like to remind you to keep your relationship with God alive, because it is only those who are in Christ that enjoy rest. 

Submit to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. He is our help in times of need and he will come through for you and give you peace. 

If you were blessed reading this article on prayer for peace of mind, go ahead and share this with blog post with others. 

Remain blessed.