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Prayer To Reverse Unjust Situations

It is no new news that people around the world experience diverse kinds of unjust situations in different areas of their lives. In all nooks and crannies of the world, people of all races are oppressed in one way or another. Many people suffer a lot of evil in the hands of their oppressors. Today, we'll bring you a prayer to reverse unjust situations. 

Experiencing evil things is one of the tactics of the enemy against the people of God. Situations like this can occur in a man's personal life, at work, in the neighbourhood, in the Church or just anywhere one can think of. 

Prayer To Reverse Unjust Situations

Going through these unjust situations can be hurting, very challenging and faith-trying. One might be tempted to judge God unfairly, but nothing should ever make you think God has deserted you. 

We must remember that we live in an imperfect world with imperfect people. That makes going through unjust situations almost inevitable for every individual. 

It is evident in Jeremiah 29:11 that God wants the best for us; He has our best interest at heart. But not everyone will treat us righteously, because not everyone knows or obeys God's Word. 

Everyone going through an unjust situation in any form can be tempted to question God and seek other alternatives. It is in such moments that we should remember to remain steadfast in God, just like Job did. 

In such trying times, potential alternatives outside of God are not supposed to receive our attention no matter what. The best person to run to when you're experiencing an unjust situation is God. 

From the holy ascriptures, we have discovered that our God is a just God and He judges righteously. He upholds justice and always defends the oppressed (Proverbs 31:9, Jeremiah 11:20). 

An unjust situation can be one in which the devil oppresses a person. It can also be when there are happenings around one's life that are not palatable. It can as well be a situation where fellow humans treat others unfairly. 

Our God is a God of righteousness and fairness, and He does not hesitate to judge righteously—especially in the favour of the oppressed. 

Psalm 146:7 (NLT) 
He gives justice to the oppressed and food to the hungry. The Lord frees the prisoners. 

No matter the nature of that situation, God has the ability to change it to your favour, and He is ever willing to do that. There is no partiality with God.

Luke 18:6-8 (ESV)
And the Lord said, “Hear what the unrighteous judge says. And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

The above scripture opens our eyes to the righteousness of God. He doesn't turn deaf ears to our cry for justice in every unjust situation. 

Praying for God to reverse an unjust situation is biblical and acceptable. We cannot just close our mouth and expect God to act, because He sees what we're going through. Even though God desires to Intervene in our situation, He is still waiting on us to give Him the opportunity to step in. 

We invite God to reverse every negative situation in the place of prayer. But the latter part of Luke 18:6-8 reveals to us an important factor necessary for us to get our desires—Faith. 

We call upon the righteous Judge in the place of prayer, but faith in Him is the icing on the cake that attracts Him to speedily intervene in our situation. 

Praying without faith is a waste of time. You have to pray violently, believing in God's ability and His willingness to deliver you from every and any unjust situation you may find yourself in. 

Whenever God intervenes, every circumstance gives way. Praying with faith for God's intervention when we are faced with an unpleasant situation will always produce the expected results. 

Even though God doesn't want us to be in that unpleasant situation, He waits on you to give Him the opportunity to intervene in that matter.

You have to legally hand it over to God in the place of prayer. Remember, it is what you invite God into that He takes Charge of. 

Prayer For God To Intervene In A Situation

When you're going through any unjust situation, the following should serve as a guide on how you can go about praying to have God intervene in it. 

  1. Oh God, I invite You into this predicament, take charge and deliver me.
  2. Father, I ask that you would make a way out of this challenging Situation I have found myself in.
  3. Dear Lord, arise on my behalf and fight every gang-up of the enemy against me.
  4. Lord, I know that this is not your will for me. Therefore, let this work of the enemy in my life be destroyed.
  5. Lord Jesus, turn my captivity around like a dream of the night.
  6. Oh righteous Judge, the enemy is afflicting me, judge him on my behalf! 
  7. Dear God, I refuse to die in this ugly sitiuation. I will come out of this stronger and better.
  8. Dear Lord, I decree that everything around me begins to turn around and work for my good. 
  9. Heavenly Father, come and reign in Your Sovereignty in all areas of my life.
  10. Oh Prince of Peace, let your peace reign over every turbulent area of my life.
  11. Dear God, this situation is beyond my understanding and control, I call for Your intervention right now.
  12. Helper of the helpless, come and help me surmount this seemingly insurmountable battle. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. 

Prayer For Unjust Situation At Work

If you're going through an unjust situation at work, don't bow your head and bow out. Don't just sit back and watch the enemy unseat you from your source of livelihood. Pray accordingly seeking God's intervention. 

  1. Heavenly Father, the way you disappointed the plans of Haman over Mordecai, everyone in my place of work that has planned my downfall, let them be disappointed.
  2. Dear God, the enemies have dragged my name in the mud at my place of work, exonerate me speedily. 
  3. Father, those who have vowed to bring me down at work, let them be confounded in Jesus' Name. 
  4. Satanic situations targetted at dislodging me at work, let such situations be destroyed.
  5. I declare that the enemies against me at work will be drunken with their own blood
  6. Dear Lord, I pray that You would vindicate me in this ugly situation. 
  7. O God, everything the enemy meant for evil at my place of work, turn it into my favour.
  8. Father, as the enemes are planning my downfall at work, set confusion in their camp.
  9. Lord Jesus, every plan of the enemy to bring me down at work, let their plans result in unstoppable advancement for me.
  10. Lord Jesus, I refuse to be incriminated at work. Let your blood vindicate me.
  11. Dear God, I believe You can do all things and you can turn things around. Therefore, turn this unpleasant situation at my work into a pleasant one.
  12. Father, destroy stagnation and delay in my work, and let me enjoy continuous advancement.
  13. I declare, every arrow of the enemy against me at work, return back to sender right now!
  14. Heavenly Father, let only the good thoughts You have for me be manifested in my life. No more contrary situations.
  15. Jehovah Ebenezer, arise for my help and contend with those contending with me at my place of work. 

Final Thoughts On Prayer To Reverse Unjust Situations

Dearly beloved, let me remind you that God's intention and thoughts for you are good and nothing less than that. Therefore each time you begin to experience an unjust situation or anything that is different from His will for you, stand your ground in prayer, and invite the righteous Judge to intervene and turn that unjust situation around. 

Refuse to believe the lies of the devil. Refuse to be intimidated into accepting and settling for an unjust situation. 

God can reverse the irreversible, destroy the indestructible and oppress your oppressors. He has turned things around in time past, rejoice because He can do it again and He will do it for you. 

Pray the above prayer points with faith and see God speedily reversing every unjust Situation in any area of your life.

Remain blessed.