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Prayer For Success In Examinations

Success is the desire of everyone on the earth, be it in the world or in the Kingdom. In all life endeavours, no one desires failure but success. 

Success means continuously having results or being productive and fruitful in a positive manner. It is a thirst that everyone has. People want success in their businesses, career, family, finances, health, and every other area of life–including success in examinations.
Prayer For Success In Examinations

As much as man desires success, God also desires that we become successful, especially as His children. He doesn't only want us to be productive, but to also reap the fruits of our productivity. God wants us to obtain good results in everything we do—including our academics.
The reality is that no one is really ready or interested in Iistening to your explanations for failing. What everyone wants to see is your results. Succesful people don't have to explain to others. Their positive results speak for them. 

As a student, it is God's desire for you to succeed in your examinations, tests and in your academics generally. God wants His children to always get positive results in all their life endeavors (3 John 1:2, Deuteronomy 28:13). 

Firstly, for you to be successful in your examinations or tests, you need the Spirit of God, which is the spirit of excellence. The Spirit of excellence in a man's life makes him a success, not just about him being successful. Every man and woman of excellence in the Bible had the Spirit of God in them. 

Our God is not a failure, He always succeeds in everything He does. So when His spirit rests upon us, we are also empowered to be successful in all that we do. 

Know that failure is not in the environment of God. So, you as a child of God is not supposed to experience failure in your examinations and tests. 

God has never failed. You also should not fail, because your source is God. You should always exhibit the attributes of your source. 

The devil on the other hand, is the originator of failure. I tell you for free that you can be successful as a chid of God. Because you belong to God, you are destined for success. You can and should succeed in all your examinations and tests. It's in you. You have the deposit of God that always births positive results.
Prayer has always been and will always be medium of gaining access to the things of the Spirit, which differentiates one from others. 

You see, the value of prayer is undeniable and inexplicable in the life of anyone who engages it the right way. 

Prayer is effective for accessing the mind of God and walking in the will of God for us. If you want to succeed as a student in your academics, you should study hard, but also remember that you need God's help to succeed, which you can only obtain by asking Him through prayer

Proverbs 3:5-7 (KJV)
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

In the above scripture, we are encouraged to depend on God to help us achieve positive results. It is not enough to go for classes to take lectures. It is not enough to study your books, or go for tutorials. You need the support of God to be successful in your academics. 

Success is gotten when God's grace meets with your own preparation. Therefore, let's take some prayer points that will compel God to help us to succeed in our examinations and tests.

Prayer For Examination Success

  1. Heavenly Father, I ask for a fresh baptism of excellence like it was at work in the life of Daniel. 
  2. Father, every seige of failing my examinations, I destroy it by the power of the HolyGhost.
  3. Dear Lord, destroy the hand of the enemy upon my examinations.
  4. Father, I must be the head and not the tail. I must be above and not beneath.
  5. Father, every yoke of failure in my examinations, I break it by the Anointing of the HolyGhost. 
  6. Lord God, every case of missing scripts that could make me fail my examinations, I come against them In Jesus' Name. 
  7. Father, whoever will mark my scripts, lay it in their hearts to do it justly. 
  8. Dear Lord, grant me favor in the sight of invigilators, lecturers, supervisors and whoever will mark my scripts.
  9. Lord, help me understand everything I have been taught so I won't experience failure. 
  10. Lord, give me a retentive memory for success in my exams. 
  11. Father, I decree that I will not be incriminated in the exams hall.
  12. Every spirit of forgetfulness, I come against it right now . 
  13. I come against every form of sickness before, during and after my examination.
  14. Lord, no health challenge will be seen in me in Jesus Name . 
  15. Father, every spirit of anxiety, I destroy it right now in the Mighty Name of Jesus. 
  16. Lord, help me to focus on the pages and chapters relevant to what i will be asked in my exams. 
  17. I resist the temptation to cheat during my examinations.
  18. Every Satanic arrow targetted at my brain, I consume it with the fire of the HolyGhost. 
  19. Anointing for academic success, fall on me in Jesus name. 
  20. Every demonic monitoring spirits, I consume you with the fire of the HolyGhost. 

Prayer For Test Success

  1. Dear Lord, I will not be a victim of failure in my test.
  2. Heavenly Father, make me understand everything I've been taught and everything I have read.
  3. Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance everything I have read. 
  4. Father, give me the Grace to answer all the questions I will be asked correctly.
  5. Lord, give clarity and understanding to my examiners, let them grade me accurately, in the Name of Jesus. 
  6. Dear Lord, show me mercy in my tests. Cover my errors. 
  7. I receive divine strength as I prepare for my tests in the Name of Jesus. 
  8. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my writing materials and my mind as I write my test. 
  9. By the blood of Jesus, I come against every spirit of failure that wants to manifest itself in my academics. 
  10. By the power of God at work in my life, I decree that I will have good grades at the end of this test. 
  11. Holy Spirit, I Call for your help as I will be writing my test. 
  12. Lord, help me not to put down the wrong thing in my test
  13. I decree by the power of the HolyGhost that my test scripts will not be the odd one that is marked for failure, in the Name of Jesus. 
  14. By the blood of Jesus, no demonic manipulation shall prosper over my test scripts. 
  15. God of mind blowing, miracles and wonders, manifest Yourself all through my test period 
  16. Lord, there won't be any cause for alarm before, during and after my test. 
  17. Dear God, I refuse to be among those that will cry sorrowfully at the end of this test. 
  18. Powers out to confuse me during the tests, I come against you the power of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
  19. I will not be affected by any emotional instability all through this test. 
  20. Dear Lord, I receive success from Heaven over my test right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 

Final Thoughts On Prayer for Exams Success

I believe God with you, that as you pray these prayers, God will answer you and grant you success in your exams and your tests. 

The Lord has promised that anything we ask shall be given Unto us (Matthew 7:7). So, go to your Father in the place of prayer for Success in your examinations and tests. He is willing and able to help you.
In conclusion, God blesses the labour of our hands (Deuteronomy 28:12). That is to say, you must be diligent in your studies. Do not give room for laziness or redundancy. God can't help a lazy man. Only the diligent are qualified for the help of God. Prayer cannot substitute hardwork or diligence. Balance your prayer and your hardwork in your academic pursuit. 

Remain blessed.