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30 Prayers For Spiritual Growth

As children of God, it is important for us to note that the state of our spiritual lives is very important to God. He wants us to have a very healthy spiritual life. And it is necessary for us to know that he doesn't want us to remain at the same level spiritually for the rest of our lives. 

35 Prayer Points For Spiritual Growth

The way we value our physical growth and development is how (and even more) we should value our spiritual growth. 

Proverbs 4:18(KJV)
But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. 

Remaining at the same level slows down our progress and prevents our access to higher dimensions in God. So, we must make conscious effort to keep the fire on our altars burning, and see to the growth and development of our spiritual lives on a daily basis. 

One effective tool of seeing to our growth spiritually is praying

Jude 1:20 (KJV)
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.
One of the reasons why people don't grow spiritually is because they do not pray concerning their spiritual growth. The same way you pray for God to guard you from danger, you should as well pray over your spiritual life, because that is the most important part of a man.

Remember that you are primarily a spirit being, so the health status of your spirit is of utmost importance to God. 

The devil knows the importance of growing spiritually, because spiritual growth results in intimacy with God and opens us up to accessing more of God. 

Galatians 4:1 (KJV)
Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all. 

Remaining as a spiritual baby makes you mediocre; in that place, you're not different from an unbeliever. 

Babies are not feared in the Kingdom, but giants are feared. Becoming a spiritual giant doesn't happen overnight by doing nothing. 

Spiritual maturity is an essential part of Christian living; and it is only achieved by those who pay attention to their spiritual growth. 

The moment the enemy is able to steer your attention away from seeing to it that you grow spiritually, that is the beginning of your downfall as a Christian. 

That is why you must remain alert and keep the devil at bay with your fervent prayers.

5 Prayers For Spiritual Growth

  1. Father, let my hunger for you never go down 
  2. Oh lord, every satanic distraction targeted at shifting my attention from my spiritual growth to other things, destroy such in the name of Jesus. 
  3. Father, destroy every evil orchestration that wants to stop me from seeking you. 
  4. Father, anyone sent to drain me spiritually, Holy Ghost fire consume them. 
  5. Father, I declare that the fire on my prayer altar will never go out. 

30 Prayer For Spiritual Growth

  1. Oh God, open my eyes to know more of You. 
  2. Lord, reveal more of Yourself to me that, this experience will make me desire You more. 
  3. Father, make me intentional and passionate about my spiritual growth. 
  4. Father, help me to live a holy life so I can easily grow in my spirit man. 
  5. Father, everything I have lost in time past due to my negligence of my spiritual growth, restore it Lord. 
  6. Father, help me to consciously take steps that will help me grow in You.
  7. Father, give me grace for fervency in my pursuit of You.
  8. Father, help me to constantly check myself in the mirror of your Word so I can consciously grow spiritually.
  9. Father, give me grace to always act on Your Word so I can walk In the reality of my identity in You.
  10. Father, let your Spirit reign in my heart so I can bring out good fruits. 
  11. Father, the spirit of obedience that will help me to act upon every instruction ordained for my spiritual advancement, give unto me. 
  12. Dear Lord, baptise me afresh with the Spirit of love for God and the things of thy kingdom. 
  13. Father, help me to always release myself to the leading of the Holy Spirit for my spiritual advancement.
  14. Lord, break the hold of sin over me and help me to live a life pleasing unto You. 
  15. Lord, help me not to be conformed to this world but to labour for my spiritual growth.
  16. Every spiritual laziness that is making me negligent of my spiritual growth, I destroy it right now! 
  17. Every form of coldness on the prayer altar, in word study and spiritual exercises, be replaced with passion right now! 
  18. Father, help me to labour well for my faith in You to increase.
  19. Lord, I must never lose sight of You. 
  20. Let the life of Christ be fully manifested through me. 
  21. Every spirit of lust that is robbing me of my position in Christ, I destroy it right now in Jesus Name.
  22. Lord, help me to crucify the flesh daily. 
  23. Holy Spirit, I submit myself to you, help me to live more like Christ and radiate His glory. 
  24. Lord, take away anything I'm holding unto that is taking Your place in my life. 
  25. Every love for the world and the things of the world in me, be destroyed right now! 
  26. The grace to bring my body under subjection, I receive it right now! 
  27. Lord, baptise me afresh with hunger for you and your awesome presence. 
  28. Lord, the right people that will help me run this Christian race well, connect me with them in Jesus Name.
  29. Every evil association that is draining the fire on my altar, I break from such right now in Jesus Name! 
  30. Everyone sent by the devil to take me away from my father, I destroy their plans right now in Jesus Name!

Final Thoughts On Prayers For Spiritual Growth 

We have been admonished to "watch and pray". 

Matthew 26:41 (KJV)
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

So, these prayer points should be prayed expectantly. Give no room to any form of spiritual laxity if you want to remain unharmable by the enemy and valuable in the Kingdom of God. 

A believer that remains at the same level spiritually is just like stagnant water. The way stagnant water stinks and attracts flies is the same way a Believer that is not progressing spiritually attracts the oppression of the enemy. 

The more you grow spiritually, the more authority you command. Take responsibility for your growth today. 

Remain blessed.